So I’m back, I think

It’s been a week. My little yellow Jeep overheated and fuses and fans. Had to have it towed.

Then the garbage grinder and Amazon had a go at me.

So I finally got over myself and painted. This is “Sweet cheeks at the beach,” pastel on half sheet of lacarte. No idea what happens next.

Drawn from life, memory and a good imagination. Yep, it’s the ref again.

The weather is becoming an issue

Even in here in our snow globe in the woods.

The bad part
Yesterday, one of our cats horked all over all my pants.

The good part
But then I got to go paint with my Tuesday painters group AND (shameless plug here) submit two big watercolors for the Cazenovia, NY Winterfest.


The bad part
I just strolled into my studio to find water coming through the ceiling onto a pile of watercolor paintings.

The good part.
It’s fixed and this one is there at the Cazenovia Public Library!
Reception Thursday 4-6


Today no fancy dancin’

We lost one of our fathers to Alzheimer’s last year

We lost our Aunt Ami last week to Alzheimer’s disease
I lost the woman who introduced me to newspapers and journalism today
We lost our Aunt Dot today to dementia yesterday.

No words left, but I painted awhile. It helped.

Work in progress on the floor in the sun.


The full-moon effect

Mark Bialczak was asking people the other day what the full moon does to them. I said something about pushing me into my studio. Well, it’s up to three above zero now and my studio has a concrete floor. Soooooo, here’s another iPad moon



Ink splotches with coffee


This my best effort today, fooling around with my beloved fountain pens and ink on some plate finish paper. I like this design so it may become a grownup painting. This sketch is just 4″ by 4″ or so.

Life is better than it has been. PTSD in a loved one is a constant balancing act.

The end for today

Saturday blue, but I had a b/w assignment

An old friend has challenged me to a week of black and white.
Black, night.
White, snow

So I painted with a wonderful Pilot refillable brush pen and coffee because I had coffee.


Then I removed the color.


Indian summer, one day here…


I painted this watercolor outside Tuesday and had a lot of fun. Monday and Tuesday morning had been difficult.

I complete abandoned any thoughts, images….
Never mind. I turned my hurting brain off and painted. The result is completely non-objective.

My brain hurts now.

painted hickory leaves redux

nice enough this morning to get out the door just as the sun went in, but that counts too.

Golden Qor watercolor and Golden high flow acrylics. I hope they dry shiny. On Arches 140lb paper.

Sunday edition shows more drying and nice shiny leaves of acrylic paint.


Tomorrow is the last time, promise

Tomorrow is the second and last chance for you to see the Cazenovia Art Trail! I am having a real nice time with some artists I know and meeting some new ones. I am hurting a little less so am psyched for tomorrow.

One more peek


A little digital painting like one I did paint in watercolor. Only available online at a site not yet determined to use.

Good night, all.

Cazenovia Art Trail, part one

I had a great time yesterday at the Cazenovia Art Trail, Cazenovia, NY.

We had a roomful of all kinds of painters. Put our stuff all around the beautiful community room. the Art Trail folk had done a great job with maps, locations, pics of our work.

I learned that small sells very well in this economy. sold a bunch of watercolor postcards in little bags. well, they are water colors…

Here’s one, and thanks to friends who drove from far away just to see me. Gee whiz….


this one still needs work, but it’s colorful!

Sorry for repost. FB Link did not work

one more fall treat

this is a little Golden QoR watercolor on Yupo. QoR is the most saturated pigment I have ever used. On Yupo, which is plastic paper, color goes wild. This one will be on Redbubble and Café Press, along with a bunch of others.

I’ll have cards, mugs, all kinds of stuff available. They print, they ship. You get art in the mail. I hope everyone will be patient until next week. Until then, today’s treat.


See you Saturday in Cazenovia, NY library, and thanks for reading.

Tuesday painters’ day

Hi there. I have been struggling with pain and getting ready for the Cazenovia Art Trail, starting this Saturday, 4 October and next, October 11 at the library in Cazenovia, NY.

Thankfully, my galoot husband Dana has organized my studio by kind. Then he pulled all the paintings from all over the place onto our studio table. We sorted by size, and then I made three piles from each size: finished, more work needed, and paint over.

All we have to do is bag em and tag em. Most of my watercolors are painted from edge to edge meaning they sometimes get mounted. Whew.

Painting is the easy part!

today’s peek


trying again

Today I was greeted by a dead cellphone. Aaack.

But I really need help from you guys to spread my Indiegogo campaign, please.

I am trying to raise money for mats and frames for the annual Cazenovia Art Trail. I am way new at crowdfunding. Have had a lot of comments by people with no followers as to how I can help by sending them money!


is my link. We are way broke and I was juried into this show. If anyone has suggestions or even is able to contribute, I have some perks up. Thank you all for all of your comments, likes and shares.

Another painting peek


gray monday

Hi there,
Sorry to have posted so infrequently, my reader.

I have been painting like crazy to get ready for Cazenovia Art Trail this fall. I am thrilled to have been asked. October 3 and 10 I will be at the Cazenovia Library with other award-winning painters. A little brag, pardon me.

My selfie painting ran in Al Dia, a great newspaper in Philly. The writer, Sabrina Vourvoulias, is a longtime friend. She asked me to write a few graphs about Frida Kahlo, who painted self portraits. She was a fiery woman as described. I love her work.